If you have a question, comment or suggestion for our
technical support, sales, public relations, or other departments, please
feel free to get in touch with us. To share your thoughts about the
Gadwin Systems website, please use one of the feedback forms below:
If you didn't receive your registration key in a reasonable amount of
time (usually two business days for credit card transactions, two weeks
for all other payments), please click
You can
e-mail us directly at:
sales@gadwin.com - sales-related questions. |
support@gadwin.com - technical questions. |
documentation@gadwin.com - documentation feedback
and suggestions. |
webmaster@gadwin.com - web-related questions. |
- all other questions. |
or by FAX : +1(347)412-28-94 (USA).
If you are a magazine/newspaper editor or software
reviewer, please feel free to review our software. We will publish your
review on our site and give a link back to your site. Please contact us
if you need additional materials for the reviewing purpose.
It is highly desirable that you use a feedback form rather
than send an e-mail message if you have a technical question. Be sure
that to give us the correct e-mail address: otherwise, we won't be able
to answer your question.