CalcStudio is a full-featured and easy-to-use
spreadsheet application for Win9x/ME/2000/XP. You can use it for
budgeting, cash flow analysis, income statements, balance sheets,
and much more. CalcStudio includes a number of functions that
improve your ability to analyze data, whether that data is for
financial, technical or statistical purposes. CalcStudio's
features include: |
Over 230 financial, mathematical, statistical,
string, logic, date and time functions. |
Function Picker. |
Excel-like auto fill and auto format. |
Over 30 entirely configurable 2D and 3D charts
types. |
Named ranges. |
2,097,152 rows x 2048 columns. |
Creates your own styles like a word processor. |
Reads and writes Microsoft Excel files. |
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) compatibility. |
Full zoom and unlimited undo/redo capability. |
Drag and Drop support. |
Powerful drawing tools, such as Line, Curve,
Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse, etc. |
More than 30 fill patterns. |
Write spreadsheets as HTML. |
Calculation engine speed matches or exceeds the
performance of any other calculation engine available. |
Minimal recalculation support; only recent changes
in workbooks are recalculated. |
Full zoom and Pan capability. |
Support for mouse movements, including the
IntelliPoint mouse. |
Fully customizable menu and toolbars. |